The Acupuncture Clinic

Rachel Pattison MBAcC Lic. Ac
01892 516 207
07414 025 925
Tunbridge Wells

Frequently asked questions
Copyright, all rights reserved 2018

What does acupuncture feel like?
Each person is different but patients often feel a slight pinch on insertion of the needle, but it is also common not to feel anything. While the needles are in it is normal to feel some kind of sensation, whether it is tingling, a warm feeling or an aching sensation. However, it is just as common for people to forget that they even have the needles in during the 20 minutes. People often fall asleep while they are having acupuncture or fall into a deep sense of relaxation. As you can see, the needles are very thin, and nothing like the needles used for injections.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes. Pre-sterilised and single use needles are used and are safely disposed of. Acupuncture is one of the safest medical treatments available in the UK with minimal side-effects. Occasionally you may experience mild bruising, dizziness or tiredness after a treatment, but these symptoms will soon pass.
All treatments are carried out in accordance with the BAcC codes of safe practice and professional conduct.
Is acupuncture safe while undergoing other medical treatment?
Yes. However, it is important to inform your Doctor of your decision to have acupuncture in conjunction with your other treatments. Likewise, it is useful for you to inform your acupuncturist of any medication that you are taking, or other treatments that you are undergoing.
What can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is used as a way of preventing disharmony or illness within the body. However if a disharmony already exists, acupuncture is used to restore balance within your body and mind, this is achieved by rebalancing the flow and quantity of qi and substances in your body. Therefore in theory any condition can be treated with acupuncture. Some conditions may completely disappear if the imbalance is not severe, but even for very chronic or severe conditions acupuncture can help you to manage the condition by decreasing the level of the imbalance and improving quality of life. Typical conditions that people have acupuncture for include:
•High blood pressure/ low blood pressure/ fainting/ dizziness/ tinnitus/ vertigo
•Migraines and Headaches
•Menstrual disorders/ menopausal symptoms
•Infertility/ Subfertility-Male and female
•Pregnancy/ Labour/ Post-natal problems
•Respiratory and cardio vascular conditions- Asthma/ Bronchitis/shortness of breath/ palpitations/poor circulation
•Arthritis – Osteo and rheumatoid
•Fatigue/ low energy
•Low immunity- colds/flu etc
•Digestive disorders- IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Chrons disease, constipation/diarrhoea
•Hay fever/ Sinus problems/ allergies
•Other immune related disorders
•Anxiety and/or Depression
•Musculo-skeletal pain conditions (sciatica, back pain, joint pain, muscle spasm, trapped nerves, fibromyalgia etc)
•Urinary conditions- cystitis, enuresis etc
•Skin problems- acne, eczema, psoriasis etc
This list is not exhaustive; it is used to show the broad range of conditions that acupuncture could treat.
NICE 2009 guidelines recommend acupuncture for lower back pain, .
It is important to note that acupuncture does not treat an illness, it treats the person. Therefore we are interested to find out about how the condition manifests itself with you, and the individual symptoms that you experience rather than the generic diagnosis that you have been given.
Through the process of treatment you will be encouraged to pay closer attention to your body and any changes that arise. Our body is in constant communication with our mind, and when we become conscious of the messages that it is sending us, we will start to become more aware of how best to treat ourselves. Lifestyle and conscious awareness are key components to health.