The Acupuncture Clinic

Rachel Pattison MBAcC Lic. Ac
01892 516 207
07414 025 925
Tunbridge Wells

Contact us:
Copyright, all rights reserved 2024

Telephone: 01892 516 207/ 07414 025 925
Address: 49 Bayham Road
Tunbridge Wells
Driving- there is space to park on the drive. I recommend reversing into the drive as it is easier when you come to leave.
Train- The Tunbridge Wells train station is about a 25 minutes walk
Please call 01892 516 207 for more information.
Acupuncture in Tunbridge Wells, Acupuncture free parking, Acupuncture near train station, Tunbridge Wells Acupuncture, acupuncture google maps, contact Acupuncturist, call The Acupuncture Clinic